Episode 12 - Sell Your Stuff Online Quickly and Easily


Do you have some items you want to sell, but you’re not sure where to sell them or how to sell them online? 

You’ve decluttered like a champ, but you’d rather sell your items instead of just donating them. After all, you have some great stuff and feel like you can bring in some decent money - money you can use to to take your family on a trip, upgrade your wardrobe, pay off some credit cards, or just put in savings. 

No matter what you want the funds for, I can help you figure out the best place to sell your goods online and how to make an amazing ad so your items stand out online. 

A few years ago, my husband and I sold almost everything we owned so we could travel the world with our daughter. When all was said and done, we made over $28,000 in a matter of weeks. I’m taking the lessons I learned from selling online and giving you my best tips and tricks. 

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show includes:

• four great places to list your goods for sale online

• my four favorite ways to sell your items offline

• how to create an ad that saves you time

• how to create an ad that draws customers in

• the top tips for taking great photos of your items for sale

Click on the episode above to listen and find out exactly how to sell your decluttered items quickly, easily, and for the best price.

Don’t forget to join my free Wannabe Minimalist Group on Facebook. We’re currently running a 21-Day Decluttering Challenge and I would love for you to join us. ** That challenge has ended, but you can sign up for the Avalanche Declutter Challenge here**

Join the group now!


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Some of the links below may be affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I receive a small amount of money for recommending products I love or already use.




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