The Best Routines to Keep Your Home Clutter-Free


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Have you decluttered, organized, or cleaned your home from top to bottom and been devastated to find it cluttered, disorganized, or messy again?

If that sounds familiar, you are not alone.

So many of us start out on fire! We are energized and focused to get our homes in order. The struggle comes with keeping it clutter-free.

The good news is that once you’ve decluttered and organized, you don’t have to be caught in a never-ending cycle of clean to messy and back to clean after another grueling weekend.

All you need are these 3 easy routines to keep your home clutter-free.

That right! In just 15 minutes a day, you can keep your home neat and tidy and NEVER have to do a top to bottom declutter session again.

Whoo hoo!!!

The Best Routines to Keep Your Home Clutter-Free

#1 - The 10 Minute Family Cleanup Race

The first clutter-resistant routine is the 10 Minute Family Cleanup Race. If your kids are anything like mine, this one will be a hit. The trick to to make this a game (hence the race part) and to time it right.

This is a daily routine that everyone in the family helps out with. You can experiment with timing, but we have found that right after dinner and before we get dessert or spend time watching tv or playing games works best for us.

Here’s how it works, I put on upbeat music, set the timer and we all race to see who can clean up the most in 10 minutes.

We put away toys or craft supplies that are out, clean up the kitchen from dinner, put away any laundry that needs to be finished, and put away anything else that’s out of it’s home.

You will be shocked at how much you can clean up in just 10 minutes when everyone is working together. Then, we get to enjoy the rest of our evening and start the next day with a clean house.

#2 - Create a Drop Zone

The second clutter-resistant routine is to Create a Drop Zone. The idea is to have a box or basket on each floor or in the major areas of your home where you can easily put items you no longer want.

It is surprising how our tastes change overtime and we periodically come across things in our homes that we can easily part with. The problem is that if you do not have a plan to deal with these items when inspiration strikes, the item gets put back in the drawer, hung back in the closet, or stuffed away to be dealt with later.

This creates a much bigger problem both with the amount of stuff you have and the mental hurdle to deal with it all.

Instead, the Drop Zone gives you a plan. Regularly go through your closet, bookshelf, utensil drawer, craft supplies, or anything else and ask yourself (or kids) if they still use or want these things. If the answer is no, pop it in the Drop Zone and take it all to the donation center when filled.

Easy peasy and almost no additional time requirements needed.

#3 - The 2-Minute Rule

The third clutter-resistant routine is the 2-Minute Rule. If any task can be completed in 2 minutes or less, I challenge you to go ahead and do it instead of putting it off until later.

This includes things like putting dishes in the dishwasher, sorting the mail, hanging up a coat, putting shoes away, folding laundry (okay, this might take 5 minutes), or sweeping up after making food.

Over time these small tasks add up and if you have left them undone, they start to become big chores in your head. Simply take the few seconds to complete them when you’re in the moment and you will feel your anxiety and the overwhelming feelings start to fade.

It’s a simple concept, but it makes huge difference.

Get Ready for Your Home to be Neat & Tidy…finally!

With these 3 simple routines and daily tasks your home will stay decluttered and organized.

You will never have to face the heart-wrenching defeat of cleaning your home from top to bottom and then having it become a big mess again in just a few days (or heck…even hours).

And the best part is that they do not take much of your time. If you struggle to keep up with these routines, start with the 10-Minute Family Cleanup Race.

Create an appointment on your phone, tell you partner about the plan, and ask your family for help. When your phone dings, everyone will be reminded of the 10-Minute Family Cleanup Race and it’s much easier to get started.

Turn up the music and get going!

Don’t forget…you do not have to do this alone! If you want help with decluttering and organizing your home, check out the QUICK Way mini-course. It’s an email series that will walk you through the 5 simple steps to finally get the clean and tidy house of your dreams.

It’s the process I use and I’ve taught so many others so I know it can and will work for you too.


Happy decluttering and organizing!



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