Episode 10 - Why We Love Our Stuff


Ever wonder why we are so attached to the things we own?

From a young age, even before we can talk and verbalize our feelings, humans show that they value their things over things that are not theirs. But, as a parent you probably already know this. You’ve experienced teaching (or trying to teach) your child to share.

There are scientific reasons for why you and I feel attached to things, but they do not define who we are. However, as you embark on the path toward minimalism, it can be extremely helpful to learn about the reasons behind why we love our stuff, why we want more, and how to be happy with decluttering like a minimalist.

So join me on the latest episode of The Wannabe Minimalist Show where we look at the science behind materialism and why we love our stuff so much.

It’s the perfect way to end 2019 as we get ready for the New Year (and New DECADE). If you are looking to declutter in 2020, don’t forget to join my private Wannabe Minimalist Group on Facebook. We’re starting a 21-Day Decluttering Challenge on January 11th, but sign up now to introduce yourself, get prepared for the challenge, and to find motivation. By the end of the month, you’ll have decluttered your whole home and will be ready to tackle the New Decade on your terms. What have you got to lose (other than all that extra stuff of course!)?

Join the group now!


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Some of the links below may be affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I receive a small amount of money for recommending products I love or already use.

  • LWannabeClutterFree.com/starter-kit - to learn how to incorporate minimalism into your family’s life. Includes 10 mindset shifts to overcoming clutter so you can start the New Year fresh

  • Wannabe Minimalist Facebook Group - come join the community (psst…I have a free and exclusive 21-Day Decluttering Challenge coming in January. This Facebook group is the only way to get access!!)




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